Farm Visioning

Farm Visioning

I am a problem-solving, action-oriented, realistic, planner by nature. Which means that when I start daydreaming I pretty quickly jump to, “So how will this work?” I’ve been told this is not the point of daydreaming.

We visited farmers who we met through PCC Farmland Trust’s new Farm to Farmer program at their farm in Port Orchard this spring. They were gracious hosts who have been farming their land for the past 3 years, preparing the soil to lease to someone with similar values.

I love that they asked us what our vision was if there were no barriers. When Mark and I talk about our vision and it is so hard for me not to interrupt this process with, “What about health insurance?!”. “How much revenue can we realistically generate a month”, and “Will we need off farm jobs?”. It was fun to have an audience who said and held us to, “Really, no barriers.”

So here’s our current farm vision…

  • Work and live full time on the farm
  • Plant native and profitable hedgerows
  • Cultivate a maximum of 1 acre of vegetables and herbs
  • Use no-till, organic principles
  • Have a year-round CSA
  • Be in a spot where we can safely walk or bike to a town (specific location TBD, north of Seattle is our preference)
  • Bring people to the farm through events and class – we have ideas!

2 thoughts on “Farm Visioning

  1. If you figure out how to daydream without immediately jumping to logistics, please share the secret!

    Also so excited to see what you guys have been up to!

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